Girl Scouts Raise Funds for Water Project
Debbie Gilliam rallies Girl Scout troops at B.J. Hooper Elementary School
In February, 2017, Aid Africa’s Children began working with the Girl Scout Junior Troop #40138 and Daisy Troop #45263 from B.J. Hooper Elementary School in Lindenhurst, Illinois to collect donations for a water collection project for in Tanzania. The girls listened to the story of the plight of the Ntemba Village whose 5,000 residents struggle with a critical water shortage. Women and children struggle with daily to gather water for the family's survival. Children frequently sacrifice school time, especially young girls, in order to assist with this chore. These girl scouts used collection buckets with the Aid Africa’s Children logo and pictures of the children in Ntemba Village gathering water on the buckets. They were able to collect $350.00 dollars towards this cause.
These troops earned these 2 official Girl Scout badges for their project.
1. World Thinking Day: Celebrated on February 22nd of each year by Girl Scouts and Guides from 146 countries world-wide.
2. Global Action Award: This award connects worldwide Girl Scouts by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
This group truly made a difference with their contribution!