Get Involved
Whether it’s building a school, making phone calls, helping or running an event, having your club sponsor one of our calls, or just spreading the word about Aid Africa’s Children, it’s all appreciated!
Here are a few ways you can help!
Whether you want to help out for only a few hours a month, or work at an event, we appreciate all skills you may want to share and are open to all ideas on how you can help kids in Africa.
Money, airline miles, in-kind donations such as goods or services are gratefully accepted.
Have fun while you’re raising money for one of our causes! Whether it’s a lemonade stand, throwing a party, baking cookies, teaching a class or having a garage sale, use your imagination on how you want to raise funds for Aid Africa’s Children!
Instead of gifts for your birthday, you can ask friends and families to give you money to donate for your favorite Aid Africa’s Children project! One of our industrious young volunteers, donated his Bar Mitzvah gifts for upgrading the playground equipment at Sophie’s Creche!
Pledge your birthday or Bar Mitzvah money, or any event you are celebrating to a cause bigger than yourself and enjoy the gifts of giving!
Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your favorite social media platform, spread the word about what we’re doing!