Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore Oversees Zambia School Project
With the tireless effort of Ryan Moore, a Peace Corp Volunteer stationed in Zambia and the community effort of many people from several villages, Aid Africa's Children started the construction of a school for 119 children in Matushi, a remote region in northwest Zambia. The story of this school is instructive in the ways Aid Africa's Children has learned to help these and other wonderful children who, without outside assistance might only perpetuate their vicious cycle of poverty.
Ryan knew his time and resources in Zambia were limited. He was determined to learn what he could do to make a difference in their lives. He questioned the villagers and tribal headsmen he became friendly with about what their needs were. He learned about their fervent desire to build a school for their children.
Zambia girls helping to build school.
Ryan is Aid Africa’s Children’s, "Man in Zambia," together we have successfully begun building the school. While this is not an easy task, and complicated by cultural differences, this project has required methodical planning. Ryan has alreadysecured the property to build the school with the approval of tribal leaders and headsmen. He obtained multiple bids before negotiating with vendors and the final contractor drastically reducing construction costs. After meetings with school and government officials, calculations were assured to meet government code standards for building the school. Materials were carefully sourced for building materials and supplies. Ryan oversaw the development and construction of the school. This building is now a code approved school endorsed by the Zambian government.
This Aid Africa’s Children Project is truly a community effort, supported by the local and state governments, one in which each participant and donor can be proud of how commitment and limited resources can be used to create infinite possibilities.