Termites Take Their Toll on Sophie’s Office
Sophie’s Principal's office has seen better days. The termites have finally taken their toll on the office’s crumbling walls. But at the same time, the Department of Education declared that the office is no longer usable and unsafe forcing an exit from the premises.
Without an office, a creche can no longer operate.
Sophie gets resourceful but explains this dilemma could create additional problems for her.
“Morning, LuAnn and everyone and Minister Mike, I am sending you this video to show that this wooden building is
being eaten by ants. As you can see. It won’t be usable anymore. The ants are building themselves up there, and then they eat their way in the wood, and it falls to pieces and leaves very big open spaces. So, I have decided to move the office into the adjacent building to the small creche. Because we are told, “we cannot operate without an office and this is not conducive for anyone to use.”
We have people from the Department of Labor and they told us we would we not be falling under DSD, Department of
Social Development anymore. The Department of Education is now taking care of the creches.
So, I am doing all I can, to move out of here, because we need to have an office.
I am moving into the adjacent room. And, I think I will have no choice, but to get someone to break this down, because it is falling down, and I am afraid if it falls down, it will damage the big classroom.
I just wanted you to know that, I have no choice.
I have been told this is not conducive or safe for anyone, so I am just sending you this video to see what is happening.
Thank you. ”