Ntemba Village Women's Chicken Cooperative group.
Empowering the People of Africa
We are currently helping the women in Ntemba Village Women’s Chicken Cooperative to raise chickens to sell chicken eggs at the market. By working with the Mvimwa Abbey, the Brothers have already given the women a building that can be used for the chicken business. They will also assist in running the business as they raise their own animals and grow abundant fruits and vegetables on their farm. Although the chicken building needed some construction work which we paid for this should have the business opening very soon. Our plan is to purchase 100 baby chicks to start the business and pay for the chicken feed.
Creating Self-suffiency and Independence
South African Thusanang Sewing Project
Women do many jobs in African families. They cook, clean, take care of the children and manage all the household chores. When that is not enough to feed or care for their children, they need to find work to support their families. Aid Africa’s Children has worked with the South African Thusanang Sewing Project to help three women run their sewing business to support their families. We help them by buying their African handicrafts and finding markets for their goods in America. We have taught them business skills to run a business. They sew school uniforms and make household goods.
Vendors sell cards from the Sisonke AIDS support group.
In Africa, people with AIDS are ostracized. Their families are shun. Often people with AIDS can not find jobs. Because of the fear of catching AIDS and not knowing how AIDS is transmitted, people fear and avoid anyone who has AIDS or they believe might have AIDS. Aid Africa’s Children’s volunteers met with the Sisonke AIDS group in Lethabong who produce beautiful handmade cards with African animals and flowers. This AIDS support group sells these recycled cards made from toilet paper rolls and egg cartons. Aid Africa’s Children assists the group by selling their cards in America to different markets. We also bought the group a printing machine to help increase their output and profits.