400 Students Share 60 Desks at our school in Zambia


Ever try writing on a piece of paper while sitting on the floor without a table or desk?
What is a given for schools in America is a luxury for students in Africa.

According to Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe, the eldest daughter of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu,
“South Africa has 12 million children in school. Three million of those go to school without desks.
As bad as it sounds for South Africa, in the rest of Africa it’s worse.”

Our school in Zambia now has 60 desks for over 400 students taught in 3 school shifts. On a daily basis, kids
cram as many students possible into one desk. Despite the burgeoning poverty, these children
remain joyful and grateful.

If you can spare $40 for a desk at our school, it can make the difference between struggling at
school and having chance to learn at school.

Be part of the solution and donate whatever you can. Everything helps! Thank you!