How Sophie’s New Kitchen Could Lead to Government Funding!
“They Never Thought There Could Be A Creche Like Ours In A Village That Has No Water or Toilets.”
Recently, the Department of Education made an unexpected visit to Sophie’s Creche. They were expecting to find the same rundown kitchen with holes in the ceilings that was falling apart. Nothing had changed over the years and things had only gotten worse.
As the inspection began, one of the officials exclaimed, “Wow, Ma’am, your creche is breathtaking. You deserve to be sponsored by the government. Everything is spic and span clean, I am speechless," she said. Those magic words, “you deserved to be sponsored by the government” were music to Sophie’s ears.
Sophie’s newly built kitchen with clean walls with beautiful vibrant paintings surprisingly also received new kitchen appliances. The total package with the new refrigerator, a real stove with an oven, and a shelving unit for storage, was unheard of for a “village creche.” Sophie lives in a small village in a remote rural area.\
She was told there is only one creche that matched hers.
She silently observed,"they never thought there could be a creche like ours in a village with no water or toilets."
As they toured the creche, Sophie explained, “they got the shock of their lives when they saw how clean the pit latrines were. Our latrines are unique because of the cleaning materials she buys to keep the smell and insects away. One can hardly believe we don’t have flushing toilets.”
The Department of Education officials urged Sophie to get her “books in order so Sophie’s Creche could be placed on the list to register centers for government subsidies next year!
Because of Aid Africa’s Children generous donors and supporters, we at Aid Africa’s Children are very grateful for all the help we received to build a new kitchen. The donor contributions was so great, we were able to purchase Sophie a new refrigerator, upgrade Sophie from a 2 plate hot plate to a real stove with an oven, and add an industrial strength shelving unit for storing her kitchen items.
The Lethabong Community Creche known affectionately as Sophie’s Creche was founded by Sophie in 2005. It has never received government funding. The reality is Sophie's Creche is now on the fast track for government funding because of the generous donations Aid Africa’s Children received for building new kitchen and equipping it with key appliances. For Sophie, this unexpected inspection with the Board of Education became a joyous moment and validation from the Department of Education.
“It completely filled my heart with a million thoughts, it empowered me with gratitude. It also made me go back to my thoughts of thinking how lucky and blessed we are to have benefited so hugely from Aid Africa’s Children.”