How are pre-schoolers coping with a 115 degrees classroom?
Read MoreCelebrate with Aid Africa’s Children all women today, especially the women of Africa who are dear to our hearts.
Read MoreAid Africa’s Children’s Pizza Party Fundraiser at the Silver Lake Marina Pavilion Restaurant in Salem, Wisconsin was a huge success!
Read MoreThis is the second year Aid Africa’s Children has participated as a United Methodist International Advance Project/Ministry at the June 15-16, 2019 annual conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Aid Africa’s Children’s approval to join the United Methodist International Advance Project/Ministry within their Rainbow Covenant allows them to participate and receive aid on many projects local and global.
Read MoreThis year our water project in Tanzania is near completion, our chicken business in Tanzania moving forward, and the necessary school repairs and restoration at our Zambia school is a success. We could not have done any of this without your generous support, donations, and steadfast belief in Aid Africa’s Children.
Read MoreAid Africa’s Children’s was approved by the Board of Global Ministries of United Methodists Church to be an official fund recipient for worthy projects at their annual official United Methodist Conference.
Read MoreAid Africa's Children 9th Annual Walk/Run was held in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin at The Rec Plex recreational area on Saturday, April 29th 2017. The Beach Pavilion on Lake Andreas was the gathering site for the 5K run and 3.5 K walk around scenic Lake Andreas.
Read MoreIn February, 2017, Aid Africa’s Children began working with the Girl Scout Junior Troop #40138 and Daisy Troop #45263 from B.J. Hooper Elementary School in Lindenhurst, Illinois to collect donations for a water collection project for in Tanzania.
Read MoreThis holiday we received an urgent plea from 40 preschoolers and 2 teachers at St. Jude’s Nursery in Malawi. In 2011, their entire harvest was eaten by hippos. We built them a hippo fence that protected their bountiful harvests. Now, a 2 year drought is creating a severe food crisis, failed crops, and increased food prices.
Read MoreThe neighborhood kids in Wisconsin know you can make more from lemons than lemonade. How can these young children make a difference in Malawi? When these enterprising youngsters heard about the pre-school orphans at St. Jude’s Nursery in Malawithey wanted to do something to help.
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