Learn How 16 Chairs Can Be Life-Changing


“We were forced to sit on the floor,” Sophie declares, about her life growing up on a farm during the apartheid. Her parents were laborers on a farm and even though they lived there, they were never give a chairs or a table in their living quarters. She was determined that the kids at the creche would not grow up with the “apartheid mentality.”

Her plea for funds for chairs and tables comes from the personal experience of not having them growing up. She also wants to change the dynamics of children being comfortable eating on the floor to one of eating at the table with a chair.

In many ways, these 16 chairs are life-changing. Sophie describes the children in the big classroom, eating their lunch on chairs at tables as beautiful. It touches her very deeply to see a new generation of kids getting the right start in life.

Plus the days of sharing chairs has subsided, and kids no longer have to take turn sitting on chairs on alternate days to eat their meals.

Sophie is now getting estimates for additional bowls, plates, and cutlery for the kids because the government is now stating that plastic in the spoons and forks is causing cancer. It’s hard to eat porridge on plates because it can slide off and burn the kids. Teachers watch vigilantly, so this does not happen. Still, she will need to replace the broken bowls and plates and get new cutlery due to government regulations.

Transcript: Hello LuAnn, I hope you guys are all well. We eventually bought the chairs, as you can see, everyone is sitting on a chair and and they are having their nice lunch. Everyone is sitting on a chair. It’s only Mikey not sitting on a chair, because he falls. Everyone else is on a chair having a nice lunch. Thank you very much for the chairs. Beautiful! Beautiful!